This question comes from Bil. Alvernaz:
"Is there any way to get rid of or replace the "Powered by RoboHelp" (i.e., what you click in the upper right hand corner of the screen to get contact information)."
Yes Bil. The Powered By logo image is named wht_logo1.gif in your top level WebHelp folder, If you know what you are doing, you could modify this graphic to be anything you want, such as your companies logo. Maybe even a 1 pixel by 1 pixel transparent gif that would not be seen.
The HTML file that is displayed when the Powered By logo is clicked is called whskin_banner.htm and is located in top level WebHelp folder. You could also modify this file to have your companies logo and text. Again this is a hack of the WebHelp source files and this must be done at your own risk.
To customize the logo:
On the Toolbar tab, under Main, double-click Logo
The Logo dialog opens
In Image, type a file name or click to browse for an image file .GIF or .JPG)
When you've located the image, click Open. The image is copied to your skins folder
In Author, enter the name of the company or author
Click OK to return to the Skin Editor
Removing the Powered by RoboHelp logo
Users click a logo (either your own or RoboHelp's default) in the upper-right side of the toolbar to display an "About" box describing the project's author or company, the version of RoboHelp, and the output format version.
The file that controls the popup that appears when the logo is clicked is called whskin_banner.htm.
You can find this file in your WebHelp folder and can open and edit the content in notepad.
Look for this text as follows:
<td valign="top">
<p>Author: eHelp Corporation</p>
<p>Powered by: WebHelp 5.00
<br>Generated by: RoboHelp 2002</p>
<p><a class="tail" href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
You can get rid of the button entirely in the following manner.
Open up your WebHelp folder and look for the file whskin_tbar.htm
Open the file in notepad
Remove this line of text:
addButton("banner",BTN_IMG,"eHelp Corporation","","","","",0,0,"","","","","","");
Warning: If you edit these files, you will need to store them outside of the WebHelp folder or they will be overwritten the next time you generate WebHelp.
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