I recently received this email about RoboHelp's not-so-helpful help system:
"Does Macromedia purposely disable the Help menu in RoboHelp? I've clicked on "Contents and Index" and the varied context sensitive items in the "Help" menu. I tried pushing F1... zilch. With both methods I see the hour-glass icon quickly flicker a couple times and then nothing happens.
Here's how to resolve this problem:
To fix the problem in RoboHelp, choose Tools > Options. On the General tab, select Use Offline Help (insert a Check Mark). Then click OK.
By default, RoboHelp's Help system is hooked to the Web. When you use the Help menu to request Help, RoboHelp goes online and looks for http://help.robohelp.com for the help system. Since a Web connection is needed, it could take a long time for the Help system to appear, depending on your connection speed. If there's any trouble with the connection, the Help system will not appear at all.
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