I recently received the following email from A. Charles Zoffuto:
Subject: Captivate Limitations
Kevin, You mentioned that Captivate has a max frame limit. What was that again? Also is that count affected by the size? _______________________________________________ Great questions Charles! The maximum number of frames that the Flash player can render is 16,000 frames. If your Captivate movies exceeds that number, your movie will stop playing. Ouch! The frame count is affected most by the amount of interactivity and number of objects you have in your movie. To keep the frame count reasonable, I'd recommend keeping your slide count between 70-80 slides, max. If you need to show more of a lesson than will fit in 80 slides, consider breaking the movie into two different movies. You can always link them together! For more information on the frame limitation of the Flash player, visit http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/knowledgebase/index.cfm?id=tn_14437.
I have a series of Captivate movies taht I am tryint to link together. I currently have this done through the publishing preferences when I have one movie open another when the first movie ends. This seems to work fine except for on the playback bar the forward/exit key
( >| ) ignores the publishing preference and just closes the first movie if I select that key. Does anyone know of a better way to link the movies together?
Posted by: paul.gauci | November 22, 2006 at 08:52 AM
I am trying to link two projects within my main project, so they open up when the user clicks on the the linked click box. I have published all 3 projects to SWF in the same file location. I have also set up the links within the main project click box. Is there any other steps I need to take? For example, do I need to export the two linked projects to flash?
Posted by: Nick | October 13, 2008 at 07:48 PM