RoboHelp 6 HTML now ships with a tool called RoboScreenCapture. The new tool, which can be accessed via the Tools panel, allows you to capture screen shots just like programs such as SnagIt and FullShot. (The big benefit to using RoboScreenCapture is that you won’t have to buy those other tools.)
Here are some of the features you will find in RoboScreenCapture:
- Quickly capture your screen in 10 efficient modes, including Free Hand, Virtual Screen, and Multi-Region
- Easily capture screens with an easy drop-down menu, assign your own keyboard shortcuts, and even control RoboScreenCapture with voice commands
- Easily capture those difficult-to-grab screens such as DirectX, Direct3D, 3Dfx, Voodoo, and Glide mode games
- Capture more than is visible on the screen, such as long Web pages
- Save your screen capture in over 20 image formats
- Have screen captures automatically saved to graphics files
- Quickly add image stamps, frames, drop shadows, and more
- Change image colors, flip or rotate images, and crop images to a smaller size
- Add identifying stamps to each screen capture, such as a company name or logo
- Call-out specific areas of your capture with shapes, shadow effects, etc.
Here’s how you can use RoboScreenCapture to capture an image to the clipboard and paste it into a RoboHelp 6 project.
- Double-click RoboScreenCapture to start the program
- Choose Capture > Capture Settings
- Select the Copy & Print tab
- Select Copy each capture to Clipboard
- Choose Options > Configure Hot Keys
- Notice that [Ctrl] [Shift] [W] is the application default for pulling a screen shot
- Click Close
- Minimize RoboScreenCapture and start the program you want to capture
- Press [Ctrl] [Shift] [W] to start RoboScreenCapture
- Point at the window you want to capture and click one time
The captured window appears in the RoboScreenCapture editing area, and the capture is on your clipboard. - Close RoboScreenCapture
- Back in RoboHelp, open a topic
- Click where you want the image to appear
- Choose Edit > Paste
The screen shot you created appears in the topic.