In the last issues of this newsletter, a reader wanted to know if it was possible to gather Captivate Quiz results without using an LMS.
I'm happy to report that the answer is yes. Of course, now you want me to prove it, right? Not me! The following comes from fellow subscriber Bruce E. Richards, Research and Instructional Design Coordinator, Office of Sponsored Research & Programs, Missouri State University.
Take it away Bruce...
"In the text that follows I will show you how to create a quiz using Captivate, copy code to a JavaScript file, add an ASP code, tabulate the results, and send them to a Microsoft Access Database. These instructions are based on an existing Adobe Captivate article. To review the original article, click here.
Setting Up Captivate File and Configuring the JavaScript
First, you will start by building a Captivate quiz by following the article above, publish the Captivate file, then modifying the resulting JavaScript, by replacing the sendMail javascript function lines 25-30 (VERY IMPORTANT!), with the sendMail function as outlined in the Adobe article document.
Setting Up Your Database and Access Data Source
We now break away from the Adobe article, by using an ASP code to create your database in Microsoft Access. (See the "Storing Captivate Test Scores in an Access Database" document).
Create your Access database using the description as outlined in the article and then copy and paste the code snippet found in this document and name the file, insert_soln.asp file. This will enable us to insert information from the quiz into our Microsoft Access database. Publish your files to your server and your users will now be able to send quiz data to an Access database.
It is important that you place your Access database file (quizresults.mdb) in the "fpdb" folder (if using Microsoft FrontPage) for security purposes. Also copy exactly the insert_soln.asp code (use notepad to take away the formatting). By changing the connection string, you can also send your quiz results to an SQL database."
Can anyone demonstrate the following utilizing PHP and MySQL on a web host?
Posted by: Wayne | April 07, 2007 at 11:36 PM
Adobe Captivate 2: Sending Quiz Scores to an Access Database: Will this procedure also work for Captivate 1?
Posted by: Marge Faber | April 09, 2007 at 08:38 AM
Can this be done it captivate 3 ????
Posted by: jon | October 24, 2007 at 08:00 AM
Wayne. I figured out a way to do it with PHP and MySQL. I'll be posting my sample code soon. I'm using Captivate 4, but my solution should work with earlier versions.
Posted by: wheat | April 16, 2009 at 10:38 AM
As promised, here's a brief how to and some code which lets Captivate 4 use PHP/MySQL for reporting:
Posted by: wheat | April 17, 2009 at 09:40 AM