RoboHelp can merge several independent projects into one, essentially creating a massive Help system from any number of small, independent RoboHelp projects.
Why merge projects? You might find yourself working with a team of Help authors who are working on different parts of a common project. If you create a merged project, you can import other projects into yours. When generated, the merged project will share the TOC, Index and Search panel of all of the projects.
Here's how you create a merged project:
- Ensure you have direct access to 2 or more projects
- Determine which of the projects will serve as the Master Project (the project that the other projects will be imported into)
- Open the Master Project
- Go to the TOC pane and click the New Merged Project tool
- Click the Browse button to the right of the Merged Project dialog box and open the XPJ file for your Sub Project
The Sub Project will appear on the TOC of the Master Project as a Merged Project icon. You can move the icon up or down as you see fit. When you Publish the Sub Projects and then Generate the Master Projects, the TOC entries from each Sub Project will replace the Merged Project icon. - Open the Master Project and Generate it
- Open each Sub Project, generate and then Publish into the mergedProject folder within the Master Project's SSL folder.
If you open the Master Project and View it after publishing each of the Sub Project's, you will see that the Master Project has been merged with the Sub Projects.
Do you know if there is a way to place links in the pages of one merged project to another merged project, in a quick and easy way.
Say project 1 is merged to project 2 and I want to have links on pages in project 1 linking to say pdfs.
Posted by: D | March 24, 2008 at 06:19 PM
Yes. You will find this link helpful:
Posted by: Kevin Siegel | March 24, 2008 at 08:31 PM
Ok Kevin I closely followed your directions to merge two projects everything worked as you stated. However, I have encountered an issue where the TOC from the child project appears twice at different locations within the TOC of the master project after merging. I checked the TOC in the child project and it does not include duplicate entries. I also verified that the master project does not have TOC entries that are replicas of the TOC entries in the chile.
When I view any of my projects in IE8 I get the message "... Internet Explorer has restricted this webpage from running scripts or ActiveX controls that could access your computer. Click here for options" My IT help desk has checked my IE security settings and can't figure out what the issue is.
On another note I could not locate a *.HHC for the merged project so I can't edit that to remove the dpulicate entries.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated
Posted by: Test Boy 1941 | July 29, 2009 at 12:11 PM
I have followed the same procedure mentioned above, in the master project out put I am not able to see the sub project topics...Plese help....
Posted by: Rakhi | June 07, 2011 at 08:50 AM
It could be a security issue on your local PC. Post the layout folder to your Web server and see if things work as expected.
Posted by: Kevin Siegel | June 08, 2011 at 02:41 PM