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April 24, 2007


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Edward Wang

Yes, Captivate can import Powerpoint easily into it's projects.

But I have 2 questions:

1: How to reserve call-outs in PPT to be still call-outs in CP? Now CP will merge all call-outs and the PPT slide into a single image.

2: How to export CP into PPT? Coz I need to control the navigate of each frame manually by mouse clicking.

Edward Wang

Anyone here can answer my question above?


Have you had any problems importing PPT files? For certain files, I get an error that it "Could not open PPT file". The same file works fine with the old Captivate on the same exact PC. Any ideas?


I am having trouble branching (jump to slide)from an imported PowerPoint slide to a Captivate slide - the PowerPoint slide just keeps repeating upon clicking the click box or button (I have tried both). Any suggestions?


My Captivate simply hangs when I try to import a PowerPoint presentation. What is up with that?

Karen Skibba

I am having trouble with a PowerPoint presentation I loaded into Captivate. When I add audio and try to preview the presentation, the slide goes away before the audio is complete. I have checked in properties "rest of slide" and even put in that th slide should stay up for a long period lke 166 seconds. However, when I preview and try to publish, the audio keeps going but the slide disappears. Any suggestions on this frustrating problem?

Kevin Siegel

Hi Karen,

Try adding a button to the slide (with a go to next slide action). See if that takes care of the problem for you.


James Cavanaugh

How does one continue/pick up the numbering from one Text Caption to another?

James Cavanaugh

If I publish in Flash and zip it, can they view the results in browser even if they do not have Captivate on their machine.

James Cavanaugh

I have the Flash Player installed, but when I preview a project with MS IE, a long message displays about Flash and I have to cancel it. How do I fix that?

James Cavanaugh

Captivate 3. No effects in New Text Animation dialog box. No OK button. Folder has files needed.


is it possible to convert a captivate file into powerpoint slides?

Kevin Siegel

Great question. While you can import a PowerPoint presentation into Captivate, it's a one-way street I'm afraid.

The only publish or export formats supported by Captivate are SWF, AVI (if you own version 4), EXE or Word.

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