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May 30, 2007


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Edward Pugh

Great article. I use these types of find/change queries all the time in CS2 and look forward to being able to save them in CS3. One problem, which I don't know if they've solved in CS3, is changing Paragraph Returns into Enters (moving text on to the next text box). Being able to do this would save me tens of hours on some of the projects I work on. There is a symbol for 'End of Paragraph' (^p) and 'Forced Line Break' (^n) but not for 'Enter'. Can you shed any light on this?


Edward, you're talking about the keyboard shortcut for column break I think (which is 'enter' on the number pad). The code reference for this is ^M. Or you could use frame break, which is ^R.



Can you publish a list of all the code references? I need one for tabs, and I'm sure I'll think of more in the future.

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