The best Web sites have a consistent look-from precise positioning of page elements to harmonious fonts and styles.
Using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in Dreamweaver will give you flexibility in controlling the appearance of your pages.
There are several types of styles:
Linked: The attributes of this type of style sheet are stored in an external CSS file that is not a direct part of any HTML file. Each style sheet can contain multiple styles and can be linked to multiple files.
HTML tag styles: You can redefine the formatting for tags such as <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <P>, <UL> and <BODY> tags.
Custom CSS styles (classes): You can apply this kind of style to selected text or elements. These styles are stored in the HTML file.
CSS Selector styles: Control the appearance for combinations of tags. For example, if you created a CSS Selector named td h3, it would be used whenever an h3 header appears inside a table cell. There are also CSS Selectors that control link colors (active, hover, link and visited).
You will find some fantastic CSS articles and examples at the Dreamweaver Developer Center.
Want to learn more about Dreamweaver? Click here.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) web design lessons
Css link Properties Attributes - examles
Posted by: css Lesson | November 12, 2008 at 10:10 AM