After adding a SWF animation to my project, I noticed that Captivate's menu's are useless. The menus appear for a second then close. All menu actions must be made by shortcut keys. In order to stop the behavior, I had to close and then reopen the project. Have you seen this behavior?
The behavior you're talking about is a Captivate bug (albeit a minor bug). The bug often bites when you import SWF animations. My feeling is that Captivate 2 isn't completely finished inserting the animation at some kind of internal level. The bug symptoms are just like you're pressing the escape key on your keyboard and trying to click a menu at the same time-the two actions would cancel each other out.
Keyboard shortcuts still work even after the bug bites. Press [ctrl] [s] to save your work. Then click the object you just imported on your library and the strange behavior should stop. (Or you can close the project via the close button on the window.)
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