We are proud to announce that our newest book, "Essentials of Adobe Dreamweaver CS3" is now shipping.
This workbook has been designed to quickly teach you all of the essential skills necessary to work with Dreamweaver CS3--a fantastic Web page development tool. You will learn how to define sites, format text using cascading style sheets, create and format tables, create templates, nest templates, use libraries, create and work with online forms, create and use frames, create Spry Navigation Bars, disjointed rollovers, create animations using the Timeline, and even FTP your completed files to your Web host.
Book Specifications:
ISBN: 1-932733-20-5 | Spiral Bound | 314 pages | Page Size, 8 1/2 x 11 inches | Retail Price: $39.00
Click here to learn more about this book and to order.