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May 23, 2008


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This is my problem.
In some Text Entry Box place I a Tab shortcut.
How I remove the yellow highlight that appear over the playbar controls when the TAB key is pressed??

I have saw this site:

But this is not working.

Do you have a any solution for me??


Allen Jones

I have a computer application capture that I want to just have the user type in text and if they type in the right text the timeline moves on without having to click a button or press enter, is this possible in captivate 3?

I am trying to simulate something like as follows:

Caption 1: "The (whatever) field is used for (blah, blah, blah). Type "ABC" in the (whatever) field."

They type ABC in the field and the timeline moves on (without pressing enter or a button).

Caption 2 appears. "Now click the (whatever's next) field."

Currently it looks like I have to have a caption stating "The (whatever) field is used for (blah, blah, blah). Type "ABC" in the (whatever) field, then click the (whatever's next) field."

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