There are six levels of headings within HTML, numbered H1 to H6. Think of your headings in order of importance. H1 is the largest and should be the most important; H6 is the smallest and least important. The font you get when you choose a heading is not in your control. Each browser selects fonts based on the preferences of the person viewing your document.
Heading and paragraph tags create vertical space in your Web document. The exact amount of space is not up to you. Instead, vertical space is controlled by the browser.
Add Headings Tags
- Open your template (you learned how to create a template last week)
- Click just below the BODY start tag
- Type <H1>Module 01: basic tags</H1>
- Press [return] twice to add some white space between the tags
- Type <H3>Welcome...</H3>
- Save your work.
This is how the page will look in a Web browser:
Add Paragraph Tags
- Click after the <H3>Welcome...</H3> tag
- Press [return]
- Type <P>to IconLogic's Web Site Development Basic. These materials will not only teach you HTML, the programming language that web pages are written in, but through our project based approach we will teach you a methodology for constructing a basic web site with links and graphics all in one day!</P>
- Save your work.
This is how the page will look if viewed in a browser:
Next week:
Physical and Logical tags.Want to learn more about HTML? Attend our HTML Basics class. Click here for more information.