Most Web pages have the same basic beginning. Four "containers" are used as the basis of most Web pages: HTML, head, title, and body.
The HTML container tells the browser that it is reading an HTML document.
The head container is used for document information that will not necessarily be seen in the browser's window.
The title container is used to denote the title of the Web page and is found within the head container. When inserting a title into your Web page, be sure to use text only.
The body container is used for the document itself. Anything placed within the body container will appear within the browser's window.
Create an HTML Template
During this lesson, you will learn how to create an HTML template using any word processor that contains the basic containers outlined above. Once you have a valid template, you can use the template to create Web pages.
- Start a text editor (you can use any text editor, such as NotePad)
- Save the file with the name mytemp.htm
- Create an HTML container by typing <HTML>
- Press [return] twice and type </HTML>
- Create a HEAD container inside the HTML container by clicking between the HTML start and stop tags that you just typed
- Type <HEAD>, press [return] twice and then type </HEAD>
- Create a TITLE container by clicking between the Head start and stop tags and typing <TITLE>
- Press [spacebar] and type </TITLE>
- Create a BODY container by clicking after the Head stop tag, press [return] twice and type <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF">
The BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" tag will result in a Web page with a background color of white.
- Close the <BODY> tag by clicking just above the HTML end tag and typing </BODY>
Your template should look like this:
- Save your work.
And just like that... you've created a perfectly good Web page. All you need now is content and HTML tags for the content.
Want to learn more about HTML? Attend our HTML Basics class. Click here for more information.