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June 20, 2009


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aion kinah

RoboHelp allows you to generate layouts for Microsoft HTML Help, WebHelp and FlashHelp. Given the ever-increasing popularity of Adobe AIR, RoboHelp developers will likely be required to deliver a generated project in the Adobe AIR format. And since Adobe created the AIR technology, it just makes sense that this format would be fully supported in RoboHelp.

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Nice. The Help system appears in its own window--no need for a Web browser.


One should take note of a few significant caveats with the AIR output that weren't mentioned in this article.

While it's nice that you get a singular output file, this file must be installed, just as you would install any other application. It's not like a CHM where you can copy and just run it where you copied it to.

Before you can even consider installing the AIR help output, your end user must have first installed the AIR runtime, which is a separate installation that must occur. I'm not sure if the AIR package RoboHelp creates is smart enough to detect that and account for it. Maybe it is.

Additionally, some folks will likely balk at installing an application that is using a self signed certificate.

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