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May 27, 2010


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Thanks! I'm glad there is finally a workaround for this. It's terrible being able to create a PowerPoint on my computer with full functionality and not have any work on another.


Although it is a quick and foolproof solution, I'm a bit concerned about copyright violation using this method. Isn't permission from the video creator required prior to downloading a YouTube video? What exactly is the rule? When do FairUse and TEACH apply?

AJ George

Hi Susanne,

I had never downloaded videos for use in PowerPoint in a setting where it would have been an issue, so I'd never really thought about it, but you inspired me so I made a call to our coporate lawyer for some answers and posted a blog post up about it today.
Check it out here:


After some hiccups I managed to succesfully insert my clip into PPT which was an amazing feeling after so long with no success! Thank you! The only problem I have now is the sound is not playing - can you please advise? Thank you. My presentation is in the week so the sooner the better please! Thanks.

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