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August 24, 2010


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Hello Friend,

I really need this widget "SlideNumbering". Can you tell me where to download it?


Lori Smith

The SlideNumbering widget comes with Captivate 5. Just right click, Insert->Widget and choose it. Ensure that your directory is set to Adobe->Adobe Captivate 5->Gallery->Widgets.

Birgit Schulz


This widget is just what I've been looking for to help make my training 508 compliant! Thanks. Is there any way to make the highlight transparent? I have a gradient background on my slides.


Lori Smith

The widget as delivered does not allow for a transparent background. You can make the whole widget semi-transparent using the Alpha on the properties panel, but that will affect the page numbers as well. You can put in a request to Adobe via the forums. Sometimes they update the widgets in between releases.

Birgit Schulz

Modifying the Alpha really helped.

Thanks, Lori!


J Jordan

When I hide the widget on one slide using the action you supplied above, the widget then does not appear on subsequent slides or when I navigate to previous slides.

Lori Smith

Correct J Jordan. Once hidden, an object will remain hidden until it is shown again. When you want the object to be visible to the learner again, just use the "Show" command.

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