According to their recent reports, every minute 35 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube. (That's up 10 hours from their report released just last March of 24 hours of video a minute.) With all that content, there's a good chance you might find some videos on YouTube that you'd like to put in your PowerPoint presentation. I've previously written about how to go about doing this in PowerPoint 2007 with an internet connection and without an internet connection as well as how to do this in PowerPoint 2008 for the Mac. In the latest version (2010), uploading videos from the web is easier than ever. Here's how:
- Find the video you would like to insert into your PowerPoint presentation on YouTube (or any other video site with an Embed code like Vimeo or MetaCafe).
- From YouTube click the Embed button (found below the video) and copy the code.
Note: The latest version of YouTube offers Embed options, including video size and playbar colors. If you are going to edit these options, be sure to copy the embed code after you have made these changes, as it will change the code. - In PowerPoint, select the slide on which you would like to insert a video and from the ribbon choose Insert > Video > Video from Web Site.
Note: Your ribbon may not include the Shape Union and Shape Subtract tools seen above. If you would like to learn how to add (and use) them, check out this blog post. - The video will appear on the slide as a black box. Pull the handles at the corners to resize the video to your desired size.
When you view the presentation (by pressing [F5] on your keyboard or choosing Slide Show > From Current Slide from the ribbon) the video will appear with its playbar, ready to be played.
I was excited to see the option to easily embed YouTube videos added to PowerPoint. Unfortunately I don't think it's quite right yet, as many of the new, fancy video formatting options included with PowerPoint 2010 will not work on embedded YouTube videos. If you would like to insert YouTube videos into your PowerPoint presentation and be able to apply fancy formatting, follow steps 1-9 of these directions. When you have successfully downloaded and converted the video, choose Insert > Video > Video from File from the PowerPoint ribbon. This method takes a bit more work, but you will now be able to apply formatting to the video.
Related Posts:
PowerPoint 2007: Insert YouTube Videos
PowerPoint 2007: Insert YouTube Videos, Part 2
PowerPoint 2008 for the Mac: Inserting YouTube Videos
About the author: AJ George is IconLogic's lead Technical Writer and author of both "PowerPoint 2007: The Essentials" and "PowerPoint 2008 for the Macintosh: The Essentials."