by Kevin Siegel
You've always been able to create quizzes with Captivate. Of course, over the years the quiz features have gotten better and better. However, if you've spent any time with the quiz feature in Captivate 5, you are probably a bit disappointed with how bad some of the text formatting features are. For instance, when you add a multiple choice question slide, something simple like aligning the text horizontally is a real challenge.
You'll be happy to hear that all is well in the new Adobe Captivate 5.5... and then some. I've spent some time playing with question slides and it appears that the text formatting issues that plagued Captivate 5 are a thing of the past. Nice! But since that particular fix was to be expected, you will be happy to hear that there are more quiz enhancements in Captivate 5.5.
For instance, when your learners take a quiz published with Captivate 5.5, the answers now include some cool rollover effects that provide some nice feedback just before the learner selects an answer.
When learners review a Captivate 5.5 quiz, another great new feature will reveal itself. Take a look at the image below and notice that the feedback given to a learner is much improved... a red X appears on any slide that was answered incorrectly and a check mark appears next to the correct answer. (A green check mark appears if the question was answered correctly.)
Improved interactivity as learners answer questions and better feedback during the review process are both nice new features. However, neither feature is worthy of writing that letter home. What would get me to start writing that letter? For starters, it would really be nice if there was something that actually made the process of creating a Captivate quiz a bit less painful. And I love it if I was able to create better-looking question slides out of the box. Which brings me to my favorite Captivate 5.5 feature. Check out the image below:
Adobe is now providing quiz templates... and they really look nice. When you visit the Quiz menu in Captivate 5.5, you'll find a new menu item at the bottom of the menu: Download Quiz Templates. Choosing Download Quiz Templates will take you to the Captivate 5.5 Quiz Templates page on the web. There are currently six templates on the site (and a promise for more).
The templates are cptx files that have been zipped for easy download. Once you've downloaded the zip to your computer, unzip the file and open the project with Captivate 5.5.
You'll find multiple question slides in the project that you can edit and use as your own. There's a master slide that will ensure new slides will be consistent with those already in the project. In addition, all of the object styles have been set. If you're happy with how the template looks, all you have to do is insert new question slides and type the questions and answers. You can't get more turn-key than that! Better-looking quizzes... and faster? Nice! I'd write more but I've got to dash off to the post office and mail that letter home.
Note: When you upgrade legacy projects that contain quizzes to Captivate 5.5, the enhanced learner feedback I mentioned above will automatically be added. (There aren't any special hoops you'll have to jump through to gain the new features.)
When a user reviews the results of a quiz, is there a way in Captivate 5.5, to NOT show the correct answer checkmark on a wrong answer slide? This way the user can know the answer is wrong but does not blue checckmark for the correct answer. I want them to retake the quiz without knowing the correct answers in advance.
Posted by: Stewart Brown | December 07, 2011 at 02:11 PM
Good Morning,
Thanks for the information. The templates are a Godsend. I am a newbie to captivate. I created my first video yesterday. I am having difficulty with the quiz. I created a formative quiz in the video and when i run the video, the video will not advance to a new slide after the quiz results are displayed. I hear the audio portion, but I do not see the new slide. Can you help me with this?
Posted by: Beth | March 06, 2012 at 11:05 AM
hi is there any way that ia user can print out a full summary of their quiz after they completed it. including the answers they have got incorrect. this would be great feedback oportunity i have tried a few widgets but they only print individual pages
Posted by: steve harris | May 16, 2013 at 11:53 AM
Hi Steve,
Unfortunately, there is no automatic way printing all the quiz info. You can do it, but it will take a lot of work. What you need to do is after each questions, instead of Go To Next, you will need to create an advanced action that saves the learner's answer in a user variable and then does a GoToNext. Then, at the end of the quiz/lesson, show all of the user variables that you stored all of the learner's answers in on a slide and use the playbar's print icon to print that slide.
Posted by: Lori | May 20, 2013 at 09:10 AM
Hey Stewart,
No, unfortunately there is no way to not display that checkmark.
Posted by: Lori | May 20, 2013 at 09:12 AM
Hi Beth,
Double check your Preferences -> Quiz settings. Make sure that you have it set to Go To Next slide after completion of the quiz. If you are still having troubles, email me and I'll take a look in to it: [email protected]
Posted by: Lori | May 20, 2013 at 09:14 AM