Ever been nudged? In life, getting nudged might be a good thing or a bad thing. In Captivate, it's a good thing.
You can always move an object by simply dragging your mouse. But dragging an object with the mouse might prove frustrating if you only wanted to constrain the drag (only move the object up or down, but not left or right).
As an alternative to using the mouse to drag an object, nudge it. Select an object and press any one of the four arrow keys on your keyboard to move the object a few pixels at a time. This technique is particularly handy if the object is close to its final destination and using the mouse would be too tedious. Plus there is the added bonus that nudging an object will constrain the movement to one direction at a time.
Go ahead and give nudging it a try. Notice that the up and down arrows move the object up or down; the left and right arrows move left or right.
Nudge Plus...
When nudging, you will notice that the speed at which an object nudges can be a bit slow. With that in mind, I present you with Nudge Plus (that's not it's official name... and it's also known as Super Nudge). Instead of pressing just the arrow keys, press the [Shift] key on your keyboard combined with any of the arrow keys. You'll notice that the object jumps across your slide at twice the speed as before. Nice!
I'd write more but I just got nudged.