by Jennie Ruby
Last week I asked readers to tell us how they format a numbered list. I received several responses. Here is a sampling:
Kris Westrum explains the rational behind treating numbered lists differently in text versus in list form:
I never use parentheses around numbers in vertical numbered lists because the numbers stand out so nicely. But I always use them in lists in sentence form in order to set them off from surrounding text and punctuation.
Linda Craig adds to that the important point that treatment of lists should be consistent:
I use the following
1. This
2. Is
3. A
4. Sample
I think you can use any form as long as it is consistent throughout the list.
Unless there is a definite reason for using numbers I prefer to use bullet points.
She also has a good point about bullets versus numbers: if the order does not matter, use bullets.
Lisa Heil gives us the traditional business option of using a parenthesis after the number in a vertical list. Although this style is not typically used in publishing, it is often used in business writing. Also major points for the cleverness of how she made her answer into a list!
Here is how I treat numbered lists:
1. I use a period.
2) Or I use a single parenthesis on the right.
3) I always make the list vertical.
4) That way each item stands out more clearly.
Thank you to all our correspondents this week!
My concern for next week is our disappearing past perfect tense. Let us know what you think of these examples--are they right or wrong--and I'll discuss them next time:
- If I had my coat on yesterday when the downpour started, I would not have gotten so wet.
- Although Tadd had his umbrella, his briefcase still got wet.
- I went out the door, picked up the paper, and walked to my car; then I realized that I forgot my keys.
- The meeting was cancelled because the room reservation was not made.
- Because the field was not yet dry, the soccer game was postponed.
About the Author: Jennie Ruby is a veteran IconLogic trainer and author with titles such as "Editing with Word 2003 and Acrobat 7" and "Editing with MS Word 2007" to her credit. She is a publishing professional with more than 20 years of experience in writing, editing and desktop publishing.