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March 20, 2012


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Hi Kevin,

Yes, this all makes sense above.

One of my colleagues asked me why he cannot see a list of displayable cursors in the Properties window for the Mouse. I took a look at his file and when I selected a mouse on a slide and then viewed the Properties tab for the Mouse, there were no cursors displayed. I clicked the Browse button and it is defaulting to the Cursors folder under Windows. We can certainly select one of those cursors and it will plot on the slide...but, what we want is for a list of cursors to be displayed in this list box. Note, his original file contains this list of cursors. However, when he copied this file (and I do not know how he did the copy...Save As or Copy under Explorer), he lost the list of cursors and I cannot figure out how to reconnect this list. Unfortunately, he has done significant amount of work in the "copied" file. Note, we originally used Adobe Captivate 4 to record are movies on another workstation where the application has unique cursors. We then open up this file under ver 5.5 and save it as a 5.5 file. I have not experienced this issue with my movies. And as stated above, my colleague did not experience this until he "copied" the file. We are using Captivate 5.5. Do you have any ideas how we can get this list of displayable cursors to display in the "copied" file?



Kevin Siegel

Mike, I'm wondering where his working project file is currently. Is it on his local drive or a network drive. Also, if you open his project on your computer, do you have access to the cursor images?

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