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November 13, 2012


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claire harter

I'm still having problems publishing to MP4 after downloading the above and changing Frame Rate to 30. It seems that I can publish at 15 fr but the rendering of some of the video is not acceptable (squiggly lines/blurriness etc.) especially at transitions. When I try publishing to Mp4, the Adobe Captive Video Publisher generates the video until the very last few seconds and then message box reads, "Captivate has stopped working." Any ideas? My project is 1280X720. Does that have anything to do with anything? Should I rescale to smaller size? Or, is it all about the frame rate why set at 15 that my video doesn't visually look good. Any suggestions would be helpful here. Very frustrated.

Kevin Siegel

Hi Claire,

I've forwarded your post to the good folks at Adobe. I'm hoping they'll have an answer for you here soon.


Hi Claire, I am from Adobe Captivate team. Could you please tell me which version of Adobe Captivate you are using? Also, how much memory you have on your computer? 1280 X 720 at 30 FPS will need a large memory. To eliminate this problem, either have smaller project size or try to have a project with, say, 5 slides and see if that published properly. L


Mark Schultz

Thanks for this solution, really helped a LOT. It seems obvious that we would want to publish at 30fps, Ashish, how about this feature in the settings of Captivate 7?


Anyway to get this to work in Captivate 5.5? Just curious...

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