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December 12, 2012


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Yu-kai Chou

A great post about Octalysis! I LOVED reading your explanation of everything and thought you did a much better job than I did ;-)

Feel free to reach out to me again if you have any questions regarding interesting game mechanics that can be applied to eLearning and the like! :)

linda e amos

Awesome information! thank you. The 8 core drives make much sense to me and some validate my online course design. As a Psychology Instructor and having internalized much of what you spell out, I can definitely see how these drives work in the students. Their comments are what leads my incorporation of elements and types of learning games I use. One thing that I've wondered about is retention of the information we are learning. The Octalysis may be the tool I am looking for to assess which drive is being used and if all of the drives were addressed, and to what degree? All the learning styles, preferences, and two-sided brains are in the classroom. I believe I should attempt to reach all of them and encourage the less developed styles to grow.

Gillian Walter

I found your comments about the different sides of the brain very intriguing. I hadn't thought of the brain having it's different thoughts and appeals towards things. It makes me question what I'm doing, and if it's because of my left or right brain?

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