Using Captivate's Spell Check feature is as simple as choosing Project > Check Spelling. It's a good bet that if you've spent any amount of time developing projects within Captivate, you've used the Check Spelling command at least once. I'm betting that you found using the Check Spelling feature just like the Check Spelling command in common word processors such as Microsoft Word.
If you work in the healthcare or legal industries, spell checking a project can be a laborious task. For instance, in the healthcare industry, hundreds of words in a given project could be medical terms. While correctly spelled, the medical terms are not included within Captivate's main dictionary and are flagged as potential errors. Those errors need to be corrected... over and over and over again.
If I were a betting man, I'd bet that you've already found and used the Add to Dictionary button within the Check Spelling dialog box. When you click the Add to Dictionary button, the selected words are added to Captivate's personal dictionary and flagged as properly spelled.
It's another good bet that you have "accidentally" clicked the Add to Dictionary and inadvertently added a word or two to the custom dictionary. Given the fact that there is no "unlearn" button or "Remove from Dictionary" button in the Spell Check dialog box, I'd wager one final bet that you would like to learn how to remove erroneous words from the personal dictionary. If so, read on...
Remove a Word from Captivate's Dictionary
- Search your computer for a file called added.txt (the file might have a simplistic name, but it is actually the custom dictionary). I've listed the default location for users running Windows 7... of course the location will be different for every version of Windows and the Mac. (That's why it's probably best to simply search your computer for the file by name.)
Default location of the added.txt file on Windows 7: C:\Users\UserAccount\AppData\LocalLow\Adobe\
Adobe Custom Dictionary - Once you've found added.txt, open it with a word processor such as Notepad (Windows) or TextEdt (Mac).
- Select and delete any words in the added.txt file that you want Captivate to flag as misspelled. (Conversely, you can add any words you want to be ignored during future spell checks.)
- Save and close the added.txt file.
- Restart Captivate and run spell check again. The word(s) you removed from the custom dictionary will once again be flagged as misspelled.
If you would like to see a demonstration of editing the custom dictionary, check out the video I created on the IconLogic YouTube channel.
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