Variable sets, which I've written about previously, allow you to define groups of definitions for a variable which allows you to easily support differently branded products from a single RoboHelp project. This week I want to show you another cool variables feature: images.
You can easily reuse images in multiple RoboHelp topics. Since the images that appear in the topics are linked externally to the original image, when you edit the original image, all of the RoboHelp topics are updated automatically. One drawback to this global update is that it only works if you use the same image in all of the generated layouts.
You can make your life even easier by adding images to variables. Take a logo for example. Many customers require that their software is personalized. For example, the application must use the client's brand colors and logo. By adding a logo to a variable and using variable sets, you can easily change the branding used in your Help content.
Add an Image to a Variable
- Open the User Defined Variables pod. (View > Pods > User Defined Variables).
- Select a variable (in the image below, I've selected a variable that I created called Logo).
- Choose Insert > Image.
- Select an image and then click OK.
The image is added to the variable. At this point, you can use the variable within any topic, just like a typical variable.
See also: Working with variables and adding variables to topic titles.
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