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May 21, 2014


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Thank you; that was helpful. My mouse wasn't showing a click sound (but was making the sound) so I added one in and then took it away and applied to all and voila it went away.

Thanks again,



Hi and thanks for posting about this - there's not much help out there!
I'm a Captivate 8 newbie who's trying to work with imported PPoint slides and that mouse click sound is on every damn button I make. Trouble is there's no deselect option for mouse in the Options panel.
My only choice is a Stop Slide Audio which I can select When Paused or When Clicked. That's it.
Any ideas?
I have to say, as someone who's an experienced Adobe user I'm finding a lot of counter-intuitive things about Captivate - which is making your blog even more of a lifeline! Appreciated
Best regards


Double click the button you no longer want the "click sound' on so the "propeeties" window opens on the right. Go to the "Actions" tab.
Now look for the "Display" section. There is a box that you can click that says "Disable Click-Sound and then to thr right of "Display", click the small down arrow next to four small lines and click "Apply to all items of this type"

It took me a while to find it but finally I did and it WORKS!!! :-)

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