When you add a sidebar to your project in Adobe Presenter, you have the option of displaying a table of contents (TOC), which in Presenter is called the Outline. The Outline automatically lists the title of each slide, and viewers can click any title to navigate to that slide. Sweet! But let's say you preview your project, and one or more slides turns up in the Outline as "Slide x," where x = the slide number. Not quite as sweet. A slide title like "Slide 5" tells your viewer nothing, making navigation using the Outline a matter of guesswork.
The solution to this problem is not difficult, but it does require visiting a number of places in your presentation and in Presenter. First, you need to know how Presenter got the titles for the slides that are listed correctly in your Outline. If your slide has a Title placeholder in PowerPoint, Adobe Presenter picks up that title automatically. So one solution is simply to give every slide in your presentation a title.
However, you may not want a title to appear on every slide. Some slides might be images or graphics only. No problem. You can still assign the slide a title in Presenter that will only be displayed in the Outline.
On the Adobe Presenter tab of the Ribbon, from the Tools group, click Slide Manager.
The Slide Manager dialog box lists all of the slides in your project. Notice in my example below that slides 1 and 2 have titles (in quotes after the slide numbers), but slides 3 and 4 do not.
Among the options for each slide is Navigation Name. Click the word None, replace it with the title you want to have displayed in the sidebar Outline, click the OK button, and you are done.
However, in my case, since these slides are just images, I decided not to give each a unique name. Instead, I want it to be clear from the sidebar Outline that these are merely continuations of the previous titled topic. For each, I want the navigation name to be (Continued). Now, I could give each one that navigation name right here in the Slide Manager, but there is a way to cover all unnamed slides at once.
After closing the Slide Manager, click the Theme tool on the Ribbon.
At the bottom of the Adobe Presenter Theme Editor, click the Modify Text Labels button.
Scroll to the bottom of the list of labels, and the second to last one is Unnamed slide title.
Double-click the text Slide %n and replace it with (Continued).
Click the OK button to save your change. Click the OK button on the Theme Editor to close it.
Now, when you preview your project, all of the unnamed slides show up as (Continued) in the Outline. As a bonus, this word also appears in the list of Thumbnails.