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July 22, 2015


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I am trying to import a video and include CC, but am not 100% satisfied with the result (and I haven't even gotten to the CC part!). My video was created with GoAnimate, which does not allow users to adjust the video dimensions. Resizing the video in Captivate resulted in a grainy video, which I knew I could fix. I can open the MP4 in Adobe Premier Pro and adjust the size of the canvas. My "LMS" (in quotes because it's not a true LMS) doesn't read MP4s in Captivate, so we then have to convert the MP4 to FLV. Everything seems to work fine with this process; however, I can't add CC to the video the way I have been importing it (using the Media > Video menu on the CP 9 ribbon). I found your article about using the Import Video and Multi-Slide Synchronized Video which looked promising. Unfortunately when the video is imported using this method, it appears on the slide larger than the slide, so I have to resize it, which as I already learned makes my video grainy. Do you know if there's a way to import the video in a set size?

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