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July 23, 2015


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Corda Patterson

This is a great feature, and I'd like to use it in an existing project I created with an earlier version of RoboHelp. I found that the "Responsive HTML5" output is unavailable when you open an old project with RH 2015. I even tried creating a brand new project with RH 2015 and importing files from my old project, but the Responsible HTML5 output is still not available. Is there a way to take advantage of this feature with existing projects? I can't find anything about converting old RoboHelp projects when searching online. Thank you for any help.

Corda Patterson

Apologies for misspelling "Responsive."

Kevin Siegel

Hi Corda,

The Responsive HTML5 output is available when projects are upgraded but not listed in the pod by default. Try this: right-click the Outputs pod (it used to be called the Single Source Layouts pod) and choose New Output. Responsive HTML5 should be listed in the Output drop-down menu.

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