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November 30, 2016 in Adobe Captivate, COTP, ICCOTP, International Council for Certified Online Training Professionals | Permalink | Comments (1)
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November 18, 2016 in training | Permalink | Comments (1)
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by Lori Smith, Captivate Developer, COTP
November 17, 2016 in Adobe Captivate | Permalink | Comments (0)
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November 11, 2016 in eLearning | Permalink | Comments (0)
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I'm excited to announce that my newest book, "TechSmith Camtasia 9: The Essentials" has gone to my beta team for testing and proofreading. I expect the book to be available for purchase in a few short weeks. (You'll be able to purchase the book direct from my website or resellers such as Amazon.com.) Camtasia version 9 is an awesome upgrade to Camtasia and I give it two hearty thumbs up!
During this step-by-step book you will learn how to:
And much more!
November 10, 2016 in TechSmith Camtasia | Permalink | Comments (0)
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One technique we preach in our classes is creating PowerPoint slides that employ iconography over standard bullets and text. Of course, visuals can only get you so far which is why I love the ability to quickly add interactive objects, even games, via Captivate's Learning Interactions.
Remember the memory game from your youth? Believe it or not, a memory game comes with Captivate... and you can deploy it with zero programming skills. To begin, create a slide and then choose Interactions > Learning Interactions. Scroll down and select Memory Game.
Click the Insert button to open the Configure interaction screen. From here, you can add your images.
If you click Customize at the bottom of the screen, you'll find several areas of the interaction that you can easily control.
When you're finished, click the OK button and that's pretty much it. Preview the project and, believe it or not, the memory simply works... and it works great. (Did I mention there's not an ounce of programming skill necessary?)
Looking for Captivate training? Check out these live, online classes.
November 10, 2016 in Adobe Captivate | Permalink | Comments (0)
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November 01, 2016 in Adobe Captivate, eLearning | Permalink | Comments (0)
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