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January 18, 2018


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ben smithson

Tip: screen recording doesn't show up in the Control Center (that little tray that shows up when you swipe up from the bottom) by default (for me). I went to Settings --> Control Center --> Customize Controls --> then clicked the little green plus sign on Screen Recording. From then on, the screen recording feature is available in the Control Center.

Louise Douglas

Very helpful post Kevin, thank you. I may need to create a video of an app that's been built on a Windows 10 tablet; do you think this technique would work for that too? How did Captivate handle capturing clicks and swipes on the phone - is it still as effective? Thanks

Kevin Siegel

Hi Louise,

I don't own a Windows tablet so I'm not sure if those devices can create videos on the fly like the iOS does. However, all of the devices can pull screen captures.

Once you've created the screen grabs, you can take those into your favorite eLearning tool as background images and move forward with developing demonstrations or simulations.

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