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March 27, 2018


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Richard Fouchaux

Thanks for delving into this subject. I've used Captivate since v3 but I'm quite new to Storyline, and haven't yet had a need to look beyond the Video tab into the options there. I love the ability to choose between "Next actions" or slide numbering. High quality audio is always a good idea and most encoders will up-sample to 48kHz for video anyway, so I always record it that way in the first place.

I'd like to point out that interactivity can be returned, and quizzing added, if the video is posted to a WordPress or Drupal site, using the "Interactive Video" library available with the H5P plugin. "H5P empowers everyone to create rich and interactive web experiences..." The video itself can be uploaded to the site or hosted on YouTube.

Another important tool in my shed is Open Broadcaster Software, a free and open source software for video recording and live streaming. With OBS you can make an MP4 of anything and everything you can see or hear on your computer.

Both of these have "dot org" URLs and are easily found using Google.

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