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July 02, 2018


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I really appreciate this! Very timely as I am working on a Captivate branching Scenario which requires a score to report, but is not the main concern. My intention is to have slides to provide optional information buttons and slides for learners who need details. A button to go directly to the scenario challenge, and then the results of the scenario need to be visible to the learner and reportable through LMS to management and the LMS. This seems like a good option. Any other thoughts on how to simplify the process? I am new to building elearning modules.

Jennie Ruby


As far as I can tell from what you describe, this method is exactly how you would accomplish your goal. Add point values and enable reporting for the buttons that are correct answers within the scenario. Other buttons that take the learner to additional details and so on would not have point values. Place a Quiz Results slide at the end of the scenario. Set up reporting in the Quiz Properties category of the Preferences dialog box.

Don't hesitate to contact me ([email protected]) for more info as needed and I can give you answers to quick questions. And don't forget that you can purchase one-on-one consulting by the hour on the IconLogic website, and I or our Captivate programmer can review your project and help resolve any problems.

--Jennie Ruby

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