While the world awaits the all-new Captivate to be released (the new version, currently called Project Charm, is in beta), Adobe continues to support version 2019.
A new update, 11.8.1, was recently made available, and you'll find it via Help > Check for Updates. Once the update is installed, you can confirm you have the latest build by choosing Help > About Adobe Captivate.
Beyond some tweaks to the overall look and feel of the interface, this update finally removes references to SWF output in the Publish dialog box (File > Publish).
Also, the Preview options no longer include SWF in Web Browser. While it's nice that Adobe removed the SWF preview option, I'm not happy that both the Preview from and Preview Next 5 options were removed.
And there are some additional assets, too... but Adobe needs to up its game here and include more varied assets seen with competitors like Articulate and TechSmith. I'd love to read your thoughts on that in the Comments area.
Also note that while many Flash options were removed from this build, you can still add non-HTML features such as Rollover Captions.
It's still a good idea to run the HTML5 Tracker and ensure you're not adding anything unsupported in the HTML5 output. (Project > HTML5 Tracker.)
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