Adobe recently released the first update for RoboHelp 2022. The update contains several improvements, including a redesign of the CSS editor, table header row styles, an additional field for topic notes, a collapsible right panel, integration with DeepL translator, and custom metadata for PDFs. There are fixes for Word import and security-related issues as well.
To get the update, start RoboHelp and choose Help > Check for Updates.
Here's a list of what's new and changed:
- Redesign of CSS editor
- Support for @import in CSS
- Non-publishable notes
- Default Location of "My RoboHelp Projects"
- Sticky right-panel
- Table header styling
- Integration with DeepL translation API
- Repeat header rows in the PDF output
- Additional metadata in PDF output
- JavaScript to style PDF output
And here's a list of the bugs that were fixed.
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