I always include voiceover audio when I record my software video demonstrations with Camtasia. That audio always needs editing. Typical editing tasks include removing fillers such as "um," silencing breath sounds, removing background noise, and removing long pauses. I also create closed captions manually or import them via closed caption files I've created through transcription services. Of course, all of this effort takes time. Creating the closed captions is particularly labor intensive if I haven't first created a voiceover script.
Along comes TechSmith Audiate, which integrates wonderfully with TechSmith Camtasia, and I have to say, I'm impressed.
After recording the software simulation in the recorder and adding it to the Timeline, I would typically use the Camtasia audio tools to edit the audio. However, because I have a subscription to Audiate, I can right-click the audio media on the timeline and choose Edit in Audiate. Alternatively, I can click the Edit in Audiate button on the Properties panel.

The media is sent to Audiate, where a transcript is automatically created.

On the transcript, I can see that I said "um" several times. I could edit the transcript myself or, even better, ask Audiate to lend a hand.

In the upper left of the Audiate window, there is an icon with some editing suggestions.

Clicking the drop-down menu displays several suggested edits.

I accepted all of the suggested edits with a click, and, poof, my transcript and the audio file are both edited.

Next, I located the effects icon in the lower right of the Audiate window and clicked the add effect icon.

Specifically, I removed background noise and breath sounds (plosives) from my audio.

I clicked the Sync drop-down menu in the upper right of the Audiate window.

I selected Edit Media Only and Default Captions from the Captions drop-down menu.

Then I clicked Sync.

Back in Camtasia, my audio media has been cleaned up, and the closed captions have been automatically added!

I'm unsure what to do with all the time Audiate saved me. Perhaps a new project? Maybe golf. Time to ponder my options.
If you'd like Camtasia training, here are some fantastic options. I also offer one-on-one Camtasia mentoring. Otherwise, perhaps I'll see you on the course.
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