Stylesheet mediums, located in the Stylesheet Editor, can automatically reformat your content depending on the output target you’re generating.
Let’s say that you have to generate two output targets from your project: online and print. You want the h1 headings to be blue in the online output; black in print output.
You could create two stylesheets, one for the online output with h1 set to blue; one for print with h1 set to black. That would work but it’s inefficient because you’re creating and maintaining two style sheets, and you will have to remember to pick the right style sheet when you generate each output.
Mediums are simpler...
Think of a medium as a category of output for which you want to set different properties for some styles instead of their default settings. Let’s say that most of your outputs are online so you decide to make blue the default font color for h1. However, because you want the h1's to be black when you print, “Print” is the medium.
Here's another example: You want hyperlinks and cross-references to use underlined blue text for online output, which you decide is your default. However, the links need to be black with no underline for print output. In this instance, you would tell Flare that links and cross-references should be underlined, blue for the default medium but black with no underline for the print medium.
When you define a target, Flare automatically sets its medium in the Advanced tab of the Target Editor. It automatically uses the print medium for Word, PDF, or Framemaker outputs and the default medium for other targets. Using the h1 color example, this means that h1s will be black in Word, PDF, or Framemaker targets and blue in all other targets. If necessary, you can create other mediums for custom needs and apply them to the targets, overriding Flare’s automatically applied mediums.
So how do you set the properties for a particular style for a particular medium? Open the Stylesheet Editor, then click the Medium drop-down menu. Here’s what you’ll see in Flare 12. (Note: In Flare 11 or earlier, the options are default, print, and non-print but the concepts are the same.)
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