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May 19, 2007


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Mike Towse

Thanks for this info mate.

Carol Ansorge

Love this Success Caption audio method, but multiple sounds play together if you click a second or third button. 1: Any way to make it that all other button sounds stop when you click a new button. 2: Can you adapt the refresh a slide trick to multiple buttons?

Another question with click boxes/buttons, this one branching. If you have 3 buttons/click boxes and use branching so people can pick the path they want, then return to this 3-button choice to pick another button, how do you disable or visually indicate the buttons already visited?

Thanks, Carol
PS: Still reading your advanced Cap 4 book, nice...

Kevin Siegel

Thanks to multiple actions that can be assigned to buttons, you'll find it much easier to accomplish these kinds of tasks in CP4. I cover multiple actions on a button in my Beyond the Essentials book: http://www.iconlogic.com/Captivate4_BeyondTheEssentials.htm


Thanks! This explained what i needed perfectly

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