Over the past few weeks, I've written about some of the more obvious cool features in new Adobe RoboHelp 9. While the new stuff is great, sometimes you can get so engrossed in the obvious, you don't see the little new things (which are no less cool than the big stuff) until you trip over them.
Such was the case last week as I was wrapping up my new "Adobe RoboHelp 9: The Essentials" book so that it would be ready for the beta team to review. (The new book should be ready for purchase within a few weeks.)
There I was, trying to wrap up the section on Context Sensitive Help (CSH) and Map IDs. As I was testing my data files, the pesky CSH window would not show the correct topic. No matter how hard I tried to convince it to do so, no matter how many times I republished the layout, and no matter how many times I checked my code, the CSH Map ID calls would not work as expected. In fact, instead of opening the intended topic, the layout's default topic opened.
Hmmm... so the link works, but the wrong topic opens. That's a simple fix. Go back and edit the Map file in RoboHelp, ensure the correct topic is mapped to the correct Map ID, save, generate and republish. In this case however, everything was in order.
After hours of tearing out what little hair I have left, I called upon fellow RoboHelp developer and trainer John Daigle to check my web application (the application I was using to test the CSH), my RoboHelp project and my generated layout files for me.
At this point I was blurry-eyed and stumped. There simply had to be something I was missing, and it was probably simple. After a bit of banging around, John found the problem. It seems that RoboHelp 9 has a new, handy-dandy feature that I had overlooked. After creating a Map file and associating Map IDs with project topics, you can specify which Map file is to be associated with which content. Since you can have multiple Map files and multiple Content Categories, this new feature makes all of the sense in the world.
To assign a Map file to a layout, go to the Single Source Layouts pod and show the Properties of your layout.
From the Content Categories group, select Content <Default>. From the Map Files area, select your Map file. Then save, Generate and Publish.

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