Recording screen actions with Articulate Storyline couldn't be much easier... all you need to do is click Record screen on the Storyline Welcome screen and off you go.

During the recording process, Storyline records your screen actions using three different modes: View, Try, and Test. Once you have finished recording, the Insert as dialog box opens and, if you select Step-by-step slides, you can choose to insert any of the three modes into your project.

But what happens to the two unused modes? And what if you change your mind about the mode you used and instead want to use one of the other modes? At first glance, the unused modes are thrown away. If you want to use a different mode, it seems like you'll need to re-record. But that wouldn't be much fun, would it?
You'll be happy to learn that Storyline keeps each of the modes hidden away in the project and you can insert them into the project whenever you want.
From the main toolbar, click the Record Screen tool to display the mode you're currently using.

Click the thumbnail of the inserted mode and the Insert as dialog box opens.

Select one of the other modes from the Step-by-step slides drop-down menu and click the Insert button. The slides will be added to the project as a new scene.
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