by Sean Mullen
This will be the first in a series of newsletter articles which cover the Learning Management System (LMS) offering from Adobe Systems--Adobe Captivate Prime. In the title I mentioned "best LMS effort to date" because it's good to know where Adobe has been on the topic of LMSs. Some of you may be familiar with the menu option to publish directly from Adobe Presenter and Adobe Captivate to Adobe Connect. What most people don't know is Adobe Connect has an easy to use, but feature-light, content management system to deliver courses and curriculums to learners. This workflow has been around for over 10 years from Adobe (well, technically Presedia, then Macromedia, and then Adobe Systems). If you're not familiar with this solution, that's fine, we've now got Adobe Captivate Prime.
In the image below you can see the Publish options in Adobe Captivate 9. Notice that Publish to Adobe Captivate Prime is one of the menu items.

I started testing Adobe Captivate Prime during its beta in the fall of 2014; and from the start, I knew Adobe was onto something special. The product was officially released on August 19, 2015, after two years of building from the ground-up, which makes Adobe Captivate Prime the first new product from Adobe Systems in over a decade.

If this is your first time reading about Adobe Captivate Prime, no problem! If you've seen a little of Adobe Captivate Prime, perhaps you've attended a webinar, even better! The goal for this article series is to provide an unvarnished "deeper-dive" on no less than 10 key features of Adobe Captivate Prime. These features will include:
- Fluidic Player
- Note-taking & Bookmarking
- Video Delivery Performance
- Mobile Learning & Offline
- Gamification, Leaderboard, and Badges
- The Four Distinct Roles
- Easy Administration Tools
- Skilled-based Learning
- Learner Dashboards
- Powerful Reporting
Plus, I will cover some of the exciting new features to be released soon, so stay tuned!