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November 18, 2016


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I'm a trainer and eLearning developer.

For live training, I like to have some sort of break every 60-90 minutes. Ideally a break every 60 minutes is good, but only if learners stick to just five-ish minutes.

Some students want to stay in the training room (or at their desk if it's remote training). I encourage them to stand up, stretch, and to look away from the screen for a few minutes.

Some learners are more like cats and will take as long as they want if you give them permission to leave, and for those heavy breakers, I have to take breaks closer to the 90 minute mark or tell them there's a "hard start" where the class begins exactly after x minutes of break.

If I'm designing the course, I try to factor in the breaks so that I do not feel pressure to speed through or skip breaks because frequent breaks really do help learners retain information and help them stay focused.

Also, telling students at the beginning that there are frequent breaks also helps with classroom management because people won't leave the room when they know they can handle bodily needs frequently and they can mentally relax

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