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March 05, 2018


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Daniel Martine

That is a great innovative idea it has, And "yes" this would make the wonderful blog. There have lots of " Education "WordPress themes out there that it can help with developing a "paid subscription service" that it can offer to the readers. And Education and game are related most important matter at the same time But everything needs to a support to get the proper way to give support by "Xbox Support Number", it has been easy to help for others... So need to learn everything that we think for.

Jason Burt

Interesting that you have "Kanban" on there as a hot tech skill. In my experience with Lean Manufacturing...the majority of Kanban implementations follow the Toyota methodology and are manual in nature. Typically using actual Cards ("Kanban") in combination with a visual board to show the process. I am curious...are you seeing movement from a "tech" standpoint with this lean tool. I know there have been some companies that have tried to "automate" the kanban process...but it feels like it looses some capability. I would be interested to hear about some new companies experimenting with this if you know of any.

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