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August 01, 2023


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Terrence Smidt

Hello Kevin,
Your Adobe Captiate 12: The Essentials workbook is AWESOME! I do have a question. After some of your Guided Activities you instruct to Save and Close the Project. I cannot find the area to Close the Project. Control+W completely closes the application.
Thanks, Terry

Kevin Siegel

Hi Terry,

This is a bug that will hopefully be resolved in the next update.

Terrence Smidt

Thanks Kevin!


Is there a way to publish the project to a Word document more closely to the way Classic does? I know you can File>Export Project Content and Captions, but the output is a messy table and does not include the slide itself. We keep all that for audit.

Kevin Siegel

Hey, Kristin.

The robust round-tripping from CpC to Word isn't in Cp12 at the moment. My understanding from the good folks at Adobe is that it will come.

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